Here are some steps on hot to clear cookies and temporary files to your internet explorer version 6 and 7.
Internet Explorer 6
- Click internet explorer (IE) Icon to open the browser.
- Click on the IE menu: tools
- Click internet Options
- Under General Tab, click on delete cookies and delete files
Make sure to put a check mark that says delete all files.
- Click Ok
For Internet Explorer version 7, follow the same step above but the only advantage is that you will have one button to delete all cookies and files.
It is very easy to clear out the files and cookies on your Internet Explorer. Just follow the steps above.
Please feel free send me your comments and suggestions for the topic I posted today. You can also send me some additional info and I can post I her on site. I am open for comments and suggestions or even violent reactions regarding clearing the cookies and files of your internet explorer.
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